năm trước was a good year for anime. I feel lượt mê thích everyone can say that about any year, but I wouldn’t argue against someone who says năm kia was. A lot of big hits came out that year, chief aước ao them being the anime adaptation of the light novel series known as No game No Life.Bạn đã xem: chia sẻ anime

Even if you’ve sầu never watched No trò chơi No Life, there’s a strong chance you’ve sầu heard the praise for it. There’s an even stronger chance you’ve sầu heard the countless pleas from fans for a second season. I’d wager that if every anime tín vật was polled kếch xù ask one question, “When’s No trò đùa No Life Season 2” would be pretty high up there.Bạn đang xem: xem anime no trò chơi no life tập 1

For those who aren’t aware of why this anime is so beloved, this article will serve lớn tưởng fill you in. Before we go that far though, it’s best to lớn introduce the characters.Bạn sẽ xem: Nogamenolife ss1 anime47


Sora – The older half of the genius sibling team behind the online thông tin tài khoản known as「 」(pronounced “Blank”) which has become an urban legend in the online gaming world. Although he has a high IQ, he’s known for being the more crafty & charismatic sibling. When he với his sister are brought inlớn Disboard, they decide khổng lồ stiông làng mạc together với figure out their new world.

Bạn đang xem: Xem Anime No Game No Life: Zero

Shiro – The younger half of the「 」team. She’s the smarter of the two but is much-less social & emotional. Lượt thích her brother, she doesn’t function well when she’s not in the presence of the other sibling.

Tet – “The One True God” of Disboard, & a thành viên of the Old Deus. He is the one who takes an interest in Sora cùng Shiro and brings them lớn tưởng his world.

Stephanie – A human living in Disboard. She’s the granddaughter of the previous king of Elcơ, before he lost it in a game. Her kind will is both a detriment với a blessing in her world.

Jibril – Belonging to đùng the angelic race called Flugels, her truly sadistic personality is beset by her alluring beauty. She lives in the National Library of Elchea, which she won in a trò chơi with Stephanie’s Grandfather.

The Allure of No game No Life

The premise of No trò đùa No Life is a chất lượng one. It begins with two step-siblings, who are self-isolated NEETs (Not in Education, Employment, or Training) living in nhật bản. Thanks to lớn their intelligence & social reclusiveness, the two have become undefeated gamers, commonly sharing accounts simply titled 「 」or “Blank”.

Their skill gets the attention of Tet, a god from another world called Disboard where games decide everything. After the pair beat hlặng in a chess match, he pulls them into Disboard. As they helplessly fall from the sky, Tet cheerfully explains the rules of the world phệ them.


What Could Make A Second Season Challenging

It’s possible that the answer to béo that might be due mập mạp how the anime ended. While it followed the first three volumes of the light novel pretty well, the last few moments are a detraction of sorts. Sora cùng Shiro calling upon an old Deus và challenging it khủng a trò chơi is not a moment in the third volume but from the over of the sixth volume.

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The reasoning for including this moment that’s meant for later is likely two-fold: for one it certainly is a wonderful chú ý lớn over on, but it’s also a good advertisement for the sixth volume of the series, which just so happened khổng lồ come out around the time that the anime adaptation did. As much as fans of the series wouldn’t want lớn hear it it does seem lượt thích the anime could have been made khổng lồ draw attention bự the light novel series. The implication in situations like this is that a continuation might never be made since a major reason for its existence is to con sell the source material.

The Film Prequel – No trò nghịch No Life Zero

But, as if to lớn địa chỉ fuel lớn lao the fire, another animated work was made after the series. No trò chơi No Life Zero is the prequel story about how Disboard became a world governed by games. The film was announced in năm nhâm thìn và released in 2017, three years after the anime adaptation.


While the film satiated fans’ hunger for more animated nội dung of the series, it does make its future very…curious. The story from No trò chơi No Life Zero actually makes up a majority of the sixth volume of the light novel. But since the film released three years after the anime cùng the release of the sixth volume, it doesn’t seem like a work kếch xù boost sales. With fans clamoring for more, the film has only since ignited hope of a second season.

It’s hard to say what the future for the series is. How would a sequel handle two volumes of skipped content? Events could be moved around, but who knows how that’d affect the plot. Either way, I know I’ll be waiting with fingers crossed.

How vĩ đại Get Your Fix

Thankfully, there are a variety of options available for you lớn watch No game No Life và its film prequel, No game No Life: Zero.

If you’re looking to phệ watch the series, you can watch it on Netflix with a variety of dub options, including the Japanese & English dubs. With VRV và a HIDIVE subscription, you can watch it in the Japanese or English dub. Lastly, you can watch it for miễn phí on Crunchyroll, albeit with only the Japanese dub.

If you’re interested in No game No Life: Zero, you can watch it on Netflix with the same dubbing options as the series. VRV has two separate listings for the Japanese dubbed version cùng the English dubbed version; both require a HIDIVE subscription to to watch. It’s also available on Amazon Prime video clip with the Japanese dub với can be watched for miễn phí tổn if you have Prime.

There’s a high possibility that you’ll want more after consuming the media above sầu. In that case, it might be good for you đẩy đà know that all of the volumes in the on-going light novel series have been translated cùng are available on RightStuf.