The maps below show the village of stokeford in 1930 and 2010

Summarise the information by selecting và reporting the main features, & make comparisons where relevant.

Bạn đang xem: The maps below show the village of stokeford in 1930 and 2010

» Write at least150words.


The illustrations reveal the town of Stokeford in the years 1930 và 2010. Overall it can be clearly seen that this village experienced tremendous residential growth between 1930 & 2010.

In 1930 Stokeford had farmland in the northeast from near the bridge down to the gardens in the center of town. Farmland also stretched from the southwest bordering the river khổng lồ the west up khổng lồ the gardens and post office which were both centrally located. There were shops just north of the post-office và some residential areas north of those as well as south of the post office.

In 2010 all of the farmland và the shops had been replaced by residential settlements. The large house that was in the central garden area had been expanded và transformed into a retirement trang chủ and the gardens were shrinked. The primary school just north of the garden expanded as it was now surrounded by more houses và new neighborhoods. In a nutshell, the town of Stokeford change from a rural farming community to a mainly residential community.



Task Achievement – 9

Coherence và Cohesion – 8

Lexical Resource – 8

Grammatical Range & Accuracy – 7

All requirements of the task are covered in full. Nothing of any significance could be added khổng lồ improve the response.

All aspects of cohesion were well managed. There was a wide range of cohesive devices <north of those…as well as | as it was now surrounded>. There could have been a little more clarity in the second paragraph.

Lexical resource was wide in range and with precision <tremendous residential growth | transformed | rural farming community>. There were rare errors of word form <shrinked> & use <had farmland from near the bridge down> that could have been improved.

There was a wide range of structures, but the majority of sentences were not error free on tài khoản of punctuation omissions <In 2010 all of the farmland>.

Xem thêm: Danh Sách Bài Hát Về Cô Giáo Mầm Non, Thiếu Nhi Hay Nhất, Bài Hát Em Là Giáo Viên Mầm Non &Raquo; Kho Tri Thức Việt

Task 2: Students leave high school without learning the way how khổng lồ manage their money. What are the reasons and solutions of this issue?

Learners graduating from high school have been found khổng lồ lack money management skills & many individuals and groups seek answers as to lớn why this is & how it might be remedied. In this essay I will elaborate on some of the explanations as to why this may be as well as offer some insight into helping to lớn address this phenomena.

There are several possible reasons of why high school does not teach or train students how lớn organize their finances. First of all, high schools are not under any obligation to lớn teach students how lớn effectively khuyến mãi with their finances. Their obligations are in ensuring learners absorb adequate knowledge và display their skills in math, languages, science, physical education, and more but not fiscal matters. Furthermore, there are no money management courses in a typical high school and certainly not any that I have heard of. From my experience, I only learned about money from my family và occupations & basically nothing in school.

Although this conundrum is an ongoing issue, there are simple solutions that could be implemented. To begin with, the solutions could include governments passing legislation to force high schools lớn include courses & classes on fiscal matters. Governments do this on many other matters including health và safety so this is highly possible. Moreover, parents and communities need khổng lồ put pressure onto high schools lớn educate their students on money matters. Citizen taxes contribute lớn public high school budgets, therefore parents could demand that capital management be included in the curriculum and this could be brought up at parent teacher meetings.

In summary, money management are currently missing in most high school curriculums và could easily và realistically be added into them. If these simple & practical steps are taken, students may have brighter economic futures & society as a whole may indeed benefit monetarily.



Task Response – 9

Coherence và Cohesion – 9

Lexical Resource – 9

Grammatical Range và Accuracy – 8

There is a clear position that is well-developed và elaborated throughout the response. Nothing could be added khổng lồ improve the essay.

All aspects of cohesion are managed appropriately, including paragraphing, & sequencing of ideas và sentences. Cohesive devices are wide in range <Furthermore | certainly not any | to begin with | và this>.

Vocabulary is used flexibly and precisely throughout, with very effective style and collocation <fiscal matters | benefit monetarily>. There are very rare mistakes <citizen taxes> that have virtually no effect on the message.

Grammatical structures are wide in range and used accurately <Although this conundrum is an ongoing issue | students may have brighter economic futures>. There were occasional errors of grammar or omissions in punctuation <therefore parents>.