12 fun conversation topics to try with your best friend

Even if you & your BFF have been cthua trận for several years and you know all their favorite songs, movies, & celeb crushes backwards và forwards, there are always new things to lớn discover about each other. Or, maybe, you just recently found your soulmate bestie và you want lớn get to know them as quickly as possible. Asking each other questions is a great way lớn learn more about each other & that"s exactly what these 70 questions were designed for. You can use them lớn spice up a sleepover, chạy thử your knowledge on how well you know your bestie, or make your next Zoom date a little more revealing. Basically, the options are endless, but when you"re done going through these questions, the two of you will be closer than ever before.

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Bạn đang xem: 12 fun conversation topics to try with your best friend

Thoughtful Questions

Do you want khổng lồ go khổng lồ college in-state or out of state?

If you can give sầu your parents one thing in the world, what would it be?

If you won the lottery, what would you vày with the money?

If you could change one thing from your past, what would it be?

If you had to lớn paông xã up and move to another country tomorrow, where would you go?

What career path bởi you see yourself taking in the future?

If you could have sầu dinner with anyone dead or alive, who would it be?

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What"s one conspiracy theory you actually believe?

If you had to fight for one global cause for the rest of your life, which would it be?

If you could travel baông chồng in time lớn any historical sự kiện, which would it be?

What"s one book that changed your life?

How bởi vì you prefer lớn be comforted when you"re upset?

What"s the first thing you notice when you meet a person?

If you had khổng lồ curate the soundtraông xã to lớn your life, what songs would be on there?

What"s your love language?

What are you looking for in a friendship?

When you where younger, what did you want lớn be when you grew up?

Fun Questions

What songs would Cosplay the soundtrachồng of your life?

If you could trade places for someone for the day, who would you choose và why?

If you could be any object, which would you be và why?

If you could have sầu one superpower, which would it be?

If you could revive fashion trends from one particular decade, which would it be?

What"s the funniest joke you"ve sầu ever heard?

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If you won the lottery, what"s the first thing you"d do? What luxury công trình would you splurge on?

If you could have sầu a celeb as your BFF, who would it be?

If you could rummage through one celeb"s clophối và take anything, whose would it be?

If you had khổng lồ change your name, what would your new one be?

If you could only eat pizza, wings or burgers for the rest of your life, which would you choose?

If money was no object, what would you buy?

Questions To Get To Know Them Better

How would you describe your personal style?

What"s your favorite tuy vậy right now?

Where vày you like to go shopping?

Do you prefer sneakers or heels?

What"s your favorite movie?

What"s your favorite TV show of all time?

What movie absolutely scarred you?

What"s a food combination that you enjoy that others might find weird?

What"s your favorite subject in school?

Who"s your ultimate celeb crush?

What"s your biggest pet peeve?

What"s your best childhood memory?

What"s your idea of a perfect date?

What"s the best compliment you"ve sầu ever received?

What"s your favorite thing to lớn vì alone?

What"s the craziest thing on your bucket list?

Where are you dying to lớn travel to?

What movie would you lượt thích khổng lồ see turned inlớn a musical?

What"s your favorite game?

What"s your favorite dessert?

What"s your most embarrassing moment?

What would your perfect day look like? Plan it from start lớn finish.

If you could only eat one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be?

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Personal Questions

What"s your favorite memory of us?

Who is your role model?

What"s your biggest fear?

What"s one thing I vì that you wish I"d stop doing?

What"s a secret even I don"t know?

What part of your childhood are you most nostalgic for?

What"s one thing I vày that makes you laugh every time?

If you could only describe me in three words, what would they be?

If you could only describe yourself in three words, what would they be?

What"s your relationship really lượt thích with your parents?

What bởi vì you think is your biggest accomplishment?

Is there anything you"re really stressed out about right now?

What was the last thing that made you cry?

What"s the craziest thing you"ve sầu ever done?

Do you rethành viên how we first met?

What"s the proudest you"ve ever been of me?

Out of all your family members, who are you the closest with?

Where bởi you see yourself in five years? How about 15?

Jasmine GomezAssociate Lifestyle editorJasmine Gomez is the associate lifestyle editor at Women’s Health and covers health, fitness, sex, culture và cool products.

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