Your Client Wants To Improve Her Ad Position

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Your client wants lớn improve her ad position. What would you recommend?

Improve sầu the ad chất lượng and increase bid amountAdd more keyword và increase daily budgetImprove sầu Quality Score & decrease bid amountMake the ad headline longer & more descriptive

Correct answer is:

Improve sầu the ad unique và increase bid amount

Explanation: to lớn improve her ad position, you client should be recommend to lớn improve the ad unique and increase bid amount.

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Because Ad position is determined by your Ad Rank in the auction. Your Ad Rank is a score that’s based on your bid, the components of Quality Score (expected cliông chồng through rate, ad relevance, & trang đích cần seo experience), and the expected impact of extensions and other ad formats. If you’re using the cost-per-click bidding option, your bid is how much you’re willing to lớn pay for a single clichồng on your ad

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