
From the swooping orchestral scores khổng lồ the breathtaking vistas and character animation - Monster Hunter Freedom Unite is a real treat to lớn the senses. The opening setting, a snowy-mountain, boasts a beautiful lake reflecting the distant sun"s glare while pitching a scalable mountain in the background. It"s linear, but it"s beautiful.

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Despite being a bigger game than Monster Hunter Freedom 2, Freedom Unite significantly cuts down the loading times by providing an installation option. This allows important data to lớn be copied to lớn the Playstation Portable memory thẻ và as such cuts load times by around two-thirds.

At times Freedom Unite can feel lượt thích a bit of a grind while playing alone; the addition of ad-Hoc multiplayer corrects this. Playing co-operatively not only inspires great camaraderie, but it also unlocks a hidden appreciation for the game"s complex nature. Learning together is a big part of Monster Hunter"s gameplay và it makes it infinitely less frustrating as an experience. While we understand the decision khổng lồ make Freedom Unite ad-Hoc only - it"s better being in the same room as your team-mates - we vày hope Sony bring ad-Hoc Party khổng lồ the West allowing the game lớn be playable online. Not everyone has Monster Hunter buddies in their proximity y"see.


Monster Hunter Freedom Unite controls fine when you"re not being chased by a dozen monsters, but what about the times when you are? The camera is clunky, the controls are unintuitive và the game still lacks a simple loông chồng on button that would make combat 100% better. The fact is, no matter how much content is in Monster Hunter Freedom Unite, there will be people that won"t ever access it because they can"t get over the basic control issues. We hope Capcom sacrifice 50 hours nội dung for decent controls next time. We really vì.

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Despite being a cultural smash in nhật bản, Monster Hunter Freedom Unite is not for everyone. We really can"t bức xúc that enough. The game has a massive, massive sầu learning curve sầu và provides little to no advice on where players are going wrong. Despite providing a 5 hour tutorial section, players will still not feel entirely ready to lớn tackle the full world of Monster Hunter. If you"re a newcomer expect to lớn spend a good 25 hours or so of frustration. Overcome that & you will be rewarded, but it"s a big ask.

Much of your time playing Monster Hunter will be spent in menus. As such, we really vì chưng wish Capcom would have sầu streamlined them a bit. Many options are not clearly explained & needlessly longwinded. If Capcom want Monster Hunter to be a success in the West they have khổng lồ make it more accessible.


Monster Hunter Freedom Unite probably won"t capture the imagination of as many Western gamers as Capcom hope, but those who put in the extra mile will be rewarded by one of the deepest video clip games lớn date.

Good 7/10

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A true PlayStation veteran, Sammy"s covered the world of PS gaming for years, with an enormous Trophy count to lớn prove sầu it. He also likes tennis games way more than you.