Vietnam Tourist Maps

Where is Ho đưa ra Minh located in Vietnam?

Travelling khổng lồ Ho bỏ ra Minh (Saigon), Vietnam? Find out more with this detailed interactive online bản đồ of Ho đưa ra Minh downtown, surrounding areas & Ho đưa ra Minh neighborhoods.

If you are planning on traveling to lớn Ho chi Minh, use this interactive map to help you locate everything from food to lớn hotels to tourist destinations. The street bản đồ of Ho bỏ ra Minh is the most basic version which provides you with a comprehensive outline of the city’s essentials. The satellite view will help you lớn navigate your way through foreign places with more precise image of the location.

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Interactive bản đồ of Ho chi Minh area

As you browse around the map, you can select different parts of the maps by pulling across it interactively as well as zoom in and out it khổng lồ find:

You can also expand it khổng lồ fill the entire screen rather than just working with the bản đồ on one part of the screen.

Navigate your way through foreign places with the help of more personalized maps. Use the satellite view, narrow down your tìm kiếm interactively, save to PDF to get a không tính phí printable Ho bỏ ra Minh plan.

Click this icon on the maps to see the satellite view, which will dive in deeper into the inner workings of Ho đưa ra Minh.

Free printable PDF maps of Ho đưa ra Minh

Feel không tính tiền to download the PDF version of the Ho đưa ra Minh maps so that you can easily access it while you travel without any means to the Internet.


If you are looking for directions to lớn Ho bỏ ra Minh rather than an online map of all of the places that you are interested in visiting, you also have the option of finding & saving the directions for future use.

Helpful Information for tourists

You are also able khổng lồ narrow down your search by selecting only restaurants, for example, that way you can have a danh mục of exactly what it is that you are searching for. You can also use our search box in order to lớn locate any other places that you are interested in finding.

Tourist Attractions in Ho chi Minh

Take advantage of all of the history và culture that Ho đưa ra Minh is filled with via the help of our comprehensive list. From observation points, khổng lồ historical sites, monuments, spas, find everything that this city has to lớn offer. We have even included information about some gems that aren’t as frequented by tourists such as ruins or castles, for example. You will also find information regarding cultural centers such as theaters & opera houses for live entertainment.

Historical sites: mang đến Ben Thanh, Dinh Doc Lap, Nha Hat Thanh pho, Cong Truong Quach thi Trang, nhà thờ Quách Đàm - bạn lập ra Chợ bự (chợ Bình Tây), Tháp Hòa Đồng Tôn Giáo Monuments: Thanh Giong Monument

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Shopping in Ho đưa ra Minh

Get your hands on some new items that you can’t find back home! Here, find some of the best malls that boast the widest selections or charming markets that offer a variety of chất lượng local goods.

Markets: Chợ An Khánh, ẩm thực Metro quận 6, Chợ Phú Lâm, Chợ Phú Định

Educational Institutions in Ho bỏ ra Minh

Take a look at what Ho bỏ ra Minh’s educational institutions look like such as their schools, colleges, and universities. Some even offer tours that way you can get an in depth idea into all that they have to lớn offer. In addition, Ho bỏ ra Minh boasts many architecturally elaborate libraries that not only hold copious amounts of books, but also act as great studying spaces.

Ho đưa ra Minh’s universities: Pedagogical University, Natural Sciences hcm City University, Ho bỏ ra Minh University of Techincal Education Schools: ngôi trường tiểu học Lam sơn 2, Petrus Ky High school, Bui Thi Xuan High school, Truong Bui Thi Xuan, trường tiểu học tập Lam đánh 1, ngôi trường trung học Mạc Đĩnh Chi, trường tiểu học tập Phú Lâm, Nguyen Thi đường minh khai School

Stadiums và Sports Activities in Ho đưa ra Minh

Watch Ho chi Minh’s trang chủ team play in the stadium for a nice evening out filled with good food & lots of emotions. However, whenever you are in the mood for a more dynamic activity, there are a number of different parks, athletic fields, & golf courses that you can visit.

Ho bỏ ra Minh’s stadiums: San Van Dong Vuon Tao Dan Athletic fields: sảnh vận Động Phú lâu Golf courses: San Golf chảy San Nhat Parks: vui chơi giải trí Đầm Sen, khu vui chơi công viên Tao Đàn, Vuon Tao Dan, công viên Văn Thanh, công viên Nước sài gòn

Ho bỏ ra Minh’s airports

Easily locate airports with identifiers such as IATA, or International Air Transport Association, và ICAO, otherwise known as the International Civil Aviation Organization. In addition, however, you will also find the locations of the nearest airports.

Airports: chảy Son Nhat International Airport

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Printable bản đồ of Ho đưa ra Minh, Vietnam for travellers. Street, road maps and satellite area map Ho chi Minh

Travelling khổng lồ Ho bỏ ra Minh (Saigon), Vietnam? Find out more with this detailed online bản đồ of Ho đưa ra Minh provided by Google Maps.