Send To You Or Send You

In corporate organizations, I have sầu seen people using both but am pretty much confused with these.

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I was thinking send you is right only in a context lượt thích this:

I will send you to my friend"s company tomorrow.

Any suggestions please?



Both are correct as the verb "send" can take one "direct object" or two "indirect và dicrect objects".
Both versions are perfectly fine.

In the case of

I will sover you an gmail.

"you" is an indirect object. It is understood that the subject is not sending "you", but rather sending the email.

Xem thêm:

Personally the first version,

I will send an tin nhắn khổng lồ you.

sounds a little stilted.

In conversational, you would probably use email as a verb.

I will email you.


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